Mar 19, 2009

Man arrested for entering ladies' bath

A 51 year old man was arrested last weekend after staying more than 9 hours at ladies' bath of a day visit spa in Kanagawa Pref.

The spa opens all night long, and the man of 150cm (4'11") tall, dressed and maked up like a lady with a hair wig and a skirt, came late at night. He could make it to ladies' changing room as nobody noticed he was a man, and he rapped his body with big bath towel not to show his body and stayed at ladies' bath for hours.

But after he fell asleep on a bench outside of sauna, the towel around his body rolled up, exposed his important part. Real ladies around him must have screamed. He insisted "I am a woman" after arrested, according to a newspaper. I couldn't find his photo.

As far as I know a man of same name (must be same person!) was arrested for entering another ladies' bath three years ago. I wonder if there is such an incredible guy in other countries.

[Updated on Apr 5, 2009] Another man of 64 years old was arrested for entering ladies' bath in Hokkaido, northen Japan on April 3. He too dressed and maked up like a lady, but soon revealed he was a man as his make up came off with steam and his sweat.


  1. Hi Onsen soaker san
    In France we do not have onsen, so there are no places where nude ladies gather together.
    We have nude beaches where anbody who like this life style can go there and meet with oher nude people in mutual respect.
    Unfortunally there some people, most of the time guys walk through the beach with their cloth on watching in an unpleasant manner the nude person;
    Mata ne

  2. Hi, I arrived at your blog while searching for possible onsen spots in Kansai. Though I couldn't find a review for a hot spring in Kansai, I found your introduction to the Ba Ian hot spring in Taiwan which I have never heard of even though I live in Taipei. I will definitely have to pay it a visit one of these days. Thank you. Also, a man was caught in a woman's bath house in Taiwan a few years ago. Ironically, he also claims to be a woman.


  3. Dreny-san:
    No onsen at all in France? I stayed just one week in Paris and I really enjoyed my stay. I don't know other parts of France.

    I heard there were many onsens in Germany. But I haven't been to any of onsen in Germany.

  4. Hi Gary,
    Thanks for knowing me Taiwan's case.

    I started this blog recently, and haven't written about any onsens in Kansai yet. Most famous onsen in Kansai area is Arima Onsen near Kobe.

    I definitely recommend you to visit Ba Ian Hot Spring. I heard there was another wild hot spring closer to Taipei. I want to visit there next time.

  5. Hi
    In France the hot spring are related to medical fonction not to a leasure fonction like in Japan.
    We have many places where people go for skin treatment, rhumatism, stomach problems.Often it is payed by the social security.
    In germany there many hot spring where people go for leasure. In most of them you have to weare a swimsuit, but some places are naked. In Germany there is a tradition to go to public bath and sauna naked like most of the countries in the north of Europe.
    By the way in come to Tokyo from March 28 to april 2, i stay in the Exczel Tokyu hotel in Shibuya Tél N° ;03 5457 0109. If you want to pass a message or have a talk with me do not hesitate,it would be a great pleasure to exchange with a japanese writer(what kind of books are you writing)on commun interest.
    Reading your blog i started mine, it is still poor but if you want to see
    Mata ne

  6. Dreny-san:
    I couldn't access your website at

    By the way, if you don't bring a towel to Sinjuku Juniso Tennen Onsen, they charge 200 yen extra.

  7. Hi Onsen soaker san
    Sorry for the mistake;The adress is
    Please when you read it do not hesitate do send you comments to help me ti imptove(link,picture, lay out)
    I send you two more links from japanese ladies fans of mixed onsen; May i get your opinion about their onsen filosophy. My first contribution is a copy of the english page of one of them;
    I like to keep a souvenir"omyage" from the onsen i went, therefore i buy the towel from the place. i will probably be at the Shinjuku Juniso onsen around 16:30 saturday.
    Mata aimasu ne

  8. Hi Dreny-san

    Now I found your blog and added to my link list right side.

    I am busy every month end to early next month, and March is fisical year end in Japan, so I am desparately busy now.

    I don't know if this is business trip or holiday for you, but I hope you will have nice time in Japan. It has been rather cold for these few days, and it might be a bit too early to see SAKURA this weekend.

    If you can access to internet in Japan, you can send me an e-mail if you need any infomartion on Onsen or other things.

  9. Hi Onsen soaker
    Thanks for your mail. I come to Tokyo for Business. I have only Saturday efternoon and sunday free.Saturday i go to the Shinjuku onsen and Sunday to the Hokkawa the place you are afraid to go. Even if i am a business man i like history and human life style, and social rules. The relation to the body, specially nakeness is very interesting to understand. The japanese case is interesting and i would like to discuss it with you, by mail or directly.
    Mata ne

  10. Hi Onsen soaker
    Nice to be back in Tokyo feel allmost at home.
    I just went to Juniso onsen at Shinjuku. The staff was surprised to see a westerner, they show me the news paper with an article about the closing of the place.
    The water is braun and the feeling on the skin is allmost like a cream.
    In Holland and Germany you can fine similare places,except that the water comes from the tap,but there are swimingpools,sauna, rooms for relaxe. They are mixed gender most of them with swimsuits but in many places people are nakked, feeling is same as in Japan.
    Mata ne
    Excel Hotel Shibuya

  11. Dreny-san
    I'm glad to know you didn't get lost and enjoyed onsen in Tokyo.

    Did you go to onsen in Shizuoka the following day?

    I called Excell Tokyu Shibuya, but the lady answered my call told me a guest named Dreny-san didn't stayed there.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Dreny-san
    I am going to Osaka from now staying ovbernight there. It's a pity.

    I will delete yesterday's your comment cuz you wrote your personal info. I'm afraid someone might use your name and mobile no. with malice.

  14. Hi
    Sorry we will not meet this time.Thanks for removing personnal info.Please feel free to pass a phone call this evening, i fly back to France tomorow evening 10:00 PM.
    I come beck next september
    Mata ne


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