Apr 30, 2010

Useful Site: The Sento, Japanese Public Bathhouses in Kyoto

I know many visitors from abroad visit Kyoto while traveling in Japan. If you want an experience at a Sento, public bath house in Japan, you"ll find "The Sento: Japanese Public Bathhouses in Kyoto" is handy.

The site is managed by students of College of Policy Science, Ritsumeikan University. It provides all info you may need including maps, manners, and history. Please note Sentos usually supply heated tap or well water, not necessarily onsen. Some of the Sentos in the site are named "Onsen", but actually none of them supply hot springs.


  1. Great link, thanks!

    I'm still slowly trying to get my site set up. Data entry is not fun!

  2. Hi David!
    Surely I will mention your site in the future.

  3. This is indeed a very complete list of public baths in Kyoto. Too bad it doesn't seem to get update much recently.


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